FlameFinder Dating Personals - Kingston, TAS, Australia

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FlameFinder Online Personals - Personal Ads in Kingston, TAS, Australia

Meet singles in Kingston for fun, friendship or love. FlameFinder Kingston is the dating personals site for fun-loving Aussies.

View online personal ads in Kingston, Tasmania (TAS), 7050.

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Female, 34 years old

Kingston, TAS, AU, Australia

If you have a problem with children then bugger off because I have 2 of the little darlings. I work hard, love to laugh and am a terrible liar. I enjoy being self sufficient but at the moment my girls and I are living with my grandparents and its fantastic! Lol. Silly things get me down but I usual…... hobartsweethear's dating profile

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Male, 43 years old

Kingston, TAS, AU, Australia

Hey, I'm an intelligent, funny and fun loving person with a happy-go-lucky attitude to life.... Looking for something casual but not close minded to the chance of something more if the right person comes along.... Libra_81's dating profile

Send him a flirt!


Male, 32 years old

Kingston, TAS, AU, Australia

Have tattoos. Wear glasses. Bit stocky but not fat. like to travel and drink. dont mind dates or hanging out message me for a photo... Jms92's dating profile

Personals - Kingston, Tasmania

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