East Perth Singles Dating - WA, Australia

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FlameFinder Singles Dating Site - East Perth, WA, Australia

FlameFinder is the Australian singles dating site focused on fun! Find your perfect flame, or maybe something more casual.

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Male, 44 years old

East Perth, WA, AU, Australia

I'm an Asian found in Perth when I was 1, being an orphan life has been um.. interesting :P I've been working as a bodyguard for over 10years now and work as security at nightclubs in northbridge when my services aren't needed. One thing you should know is that women have always been so delic…... bingbangboogie's dating profile

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Male, 42 years old

East Perth, WA, AU, Australia

Now what do i type in here that will be different from the usual "Im easy going bla bla bla..." I'm funky, witty, intelligent, a go-getter seeking my other half! I'm the perfect mix of a business man & the Marlboro man. When i work, i work hard, when i play... well, i play even harder! I enjo…... WickedTraveller's dating profile

Singles - East Perth, Western Australia

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