FlameFinder Dating Personals - Waterloo, NSW, Australia

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FlameFinder Online Personals - Personal Ads in Waterloo, NSW, Australia

Meet singles in Waterloo for fun, friendship or love. FlameFinder Waterloo is the dating personals site for fun-loving Aussies.

View online personal ads in Waterloo, New South Wales (NSW), 2017.

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Female, 47 years old

Waterloo, NSW, AU, Australia

I am a compassionate, and caring person, I am devoted to my partner when I am in a relationship. I have always tried to make my partner happy when ever I can. I believe in communication, as in I think it is important that if you want to have a true relationship with a person then you should be ableā€¦... larab227's dating profile

Personals - Waterloo, New South Wales

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