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Female, 46 years old

Belgian Gardens, QLD, AU, Australia

About Me

I like my freelance fanfiction writing, Mötley Crüe music, as well as other old skool rockers, chillaxing with Netflix, and movies,going out for walks, lunches/dinners, Karaoke, Drinks nights,etc

If you can look past my scars, my timidness, and not judge on looks, but only love, then we might be able to 'catch up' a lot. As I am in share accomm. right now, I am unable to host, but I am open to a room in the city for the night, or your place, if you like.
Looking for guys 35-55 only,
Anything more, ask me....
PS - No derogatory remarks about the 'twins', yes I know they're big, & yes, I've heard it all before, & NO, I don't want to just hook up once & then find you block me. I don't judge on looks, & neither should you, if you wanna know the 'real' me...

My Kind of Partner

Looking for guys 35-55 only, Someone who doesn't judge on looks, and can look past timidness and scars, (long story, will tell you when I feel comfortably ready to)

Someone who likes a few drinks on the couch with a movies session, or going out to a movie, and possibly lunch/dinner...
Oh yeah, if you don't like the fact that I love Mötley Crüe music, then don't ask me to turn it down, because I'll just turn it up louder, lol.

Favourite Movies

At the moment, I am hooked on watching Motley Crue's movie The Dirt

Favourite Music

Motley F֍₵►in' Crue

Favourite Books

Motley Crue The Dirt

Favourite Food

Chinese, Italian, but I can't have any spicy foods as I am allergic......

Favourite Sports

Does Couch Surfing count? Lol

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Well, I do like my Freelance Fanfiction Writing

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hello beautiful gal.Townsville surgeon who loves reef and spearfishing etc and also likes swimming,triathlons and tennis.Not into big gals etc


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