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Female, 57 years old

Port Macquarie, NSW, AU, Australia

About Me

Mmmmm. after being in Port Macquarie for 4 years I seem to be the only lesbian that I know....... Thus " is there anybody out there".....

Nowadays I'm pretty homey,,, dabble with some damn good cooking and sculpt in my shed or renovate/build...... I must be a loner....

Fit , strong with a need for adventure [risk] and with a love of fishing I am seek a partner to laugh and enjoy life with.

My Kind of Partner

Self contained, intellectual, lipstick dyke, adventurous [camping / boating fishing etc], healthy, fit /strong, safe/ caring/ nurturing/ feminine, calm, curious, a reader, soothing , inspiring, financially self suffecient, a damn good cook, a damn good friend and someone I am extremely proud of .....

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