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Male, 50 years old

Perth, WA, AU, Australia

About Me

Usual stuff - ok looking, 'great' personality blah blah - love sports, movies, reading etc. I'm taking nothing seriously and just having fun. Thought this is worth an experiment or two. :)

My Kind of Partner

Someone who is here for similar reasons - life is all about having as much fun as you can!!


It changes as I mature. But a drunken seduction does it every time!!

Favourite Movies

I love to laugh and LOVE to try n freak myself out with old school horror movies. I really enjoy curling up on the couch and doing the movie marathon thing.

Favourite Music

Pretty much everything and anything...though some of the 'naughties' stuff is crap.

Favourite TV Shows

Love the couch and love my foxtel, so many favs......

Favourite Books

Lots!! I read anything. :)

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