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Male, 40 years old

Nedlands, WA, AU, Australia

About Me

Times like this it might have been handy to have been arrogant... But here goes anyway:

I like to think of myself as fairly normal, although most of my friends would tell you I'm somewhat nuts and to be fair they're probably right. But it's the good kind of crazy. I mean - I'm loyal, I'm honest, I'm thoughtful, I'm intelligent, I'm open, I like go try new things and to hang out with interesting people and generally make the most out of whatever situation I somehow manage to get myself into. Apparently that's not normal nowadays... I also have a wickedly sharp sense of humor and a somewhat dirtier than average mind although I generally refrain from using either unless my company won't take offence.

I'm a somewhat extroverted introvert if that makes any sense...

I like all the cliched things (music, cars, good books, bad movies, etc.). Although footy is over-rated.

My Kind of Partner

I'd like to meet someone... Interesting? Fun? Not psychotic? I
think those are the main things.

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