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Male, 58 years old

Guilderton, WA, AU, Australia

About Me

Honesty is a big one for me, not into second guessing or false personalities. I'm adventurous and fun loving. Love a laugh and love to explore the world around me in every way I can. 'Fill the unforgiving minute with 60 seconds worth of distance run.' Love the ocean love the bush love good people, good music, good food and enjoyable experiences. No hangups no jealousy or negative emotions. Would really just like to meet someone like minded to share thoughts and laughs with for a start. Take it from there. The worst scenario is you make a new friend :)

My Kind of Partner

Oh crap! Didn't realize there was a second question! Haha! Ok then; please don't be too serious about yourself, be able to laugh heartily and unrestrained. Be able to take the highs and lows of life like a cork in the surf. Go with the flow and enjoy the journey. Be willing to explore unfamiliar territory with caution but not fear. Be able to love and be loved. And. Well. Just generally be cool :)

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