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Male, 56 years old

Brisbane, QLD, AU, Australia

About Me

Duck billed, flat footed, bug eyed, spock eared, shrek like mad male seeks crazy lady for insane friendship, that may bloom into something, possibly, you never know, maybe, could be, we can only try, can't hurt to give it a go...if you promise to try to behave yourself....not really interested in your mother issues, work issues, council rates notice issues - you really should just pay it - the fact your old high skool library is still after you for books you owe 'em or that your best friend suzy is now going out with your ex's brothers former uni mates touch footy coach - let's face it, you've always had half a question mark over suzie in these things and it's a pretty damn ordinary touch footy team anyway!

I'd much rather tell you how the starlight dances on the brights of beautiful eyes and how you oozzzzzzeee a warmth of passionate beauty the builds into a shuddering power-packed wave of emotive desire...wwoohhhoooo look the dessert menu....mmmm pie......

So, be brave, write back, say hi.....until the sun goes down there is no danger......

My Kind of Partner

Female (yes, born that way!) Currently working on her 3rd billion is good but you can also join me on my way toward my $10.50p/w after tax if you like? Hopefully, in good standing with all libraries or she's confident they'll never track her down. Sense of humour is good - able to tolerate me is probably going to be a huge "bonus-bonus", no supa secret psycho tendencies, 'cause my 400 Dr strong mental health support unit is solely dedicated to keeping me on track, oohhh they try.....I like going for a good daily purposeful walk, are you OK with that? Also, I really only like multi-grain bread, does that create any issues? Stay away from white bread, it's not good for you - serious (for once).

Must be able to make love like a crazed "chi-zee" African monkey dancing to the full moon, whilst eating bananas and chanting the "blurk-blurk-zee" song of of the ancient ping-wee-dee people? Yes, the Germans did make a training video......


Involves a female

Favourite Movies

Is Daffy Duck in it?

Favourite Music

So many....

Favourite TV Shows

TV is mostly evil

Favourite Books

you stole 'em all from the library - remember!!!!!

Favourite Food

Heaven is made of ice cream!

Favourite Sports

See comments re TV - purposeful walk every day!

Favourite Hobbies, Games

Sleeping-in in winter!

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