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Buff Dude

Male, 47 years old

Perth, WA, AU, Australia

Private Album - 1 Photo

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About Me

I love the outdoors & can be found most weekends either scuba diving, swimming, kayaking or out on my boat. I have a love hate relationship with the gym, 5am workouts are a killer but it feels great afterwards.
I play both electric & acoustic guitar, I may not be the next Eric Clapton but I'm told I'm pretty good, I've been thinking of getting a band together & playing local venues.

I have a weakness for coffee, Jim Beam & curry... but not all at the same time.. :)

I'm sure there's a load more but I can't think of anything else at the moment..

My Kind of Partner

I'm looking for fun loving individuals or couples, someone who's like minded. flirting, chatting & occasional outings for meals, drinks etc would be good.

I'm fairly open minded & I'd like to find similar kind of people.

Friend, lover, partner... piss wreck :)


Threesome.. 2 girls & me or 2 guys & a lucky girl..

Favourite Movies

Terminator, Fight Club

Favourite Music

Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, ACDC, Nirvana.

Favourite TV Shows

True blood, Being Human, Psych.

Favourite Books

Hitchikers guide to the galaxy

Favourite Food

Indian, Mexican... anything spicey really... the hotter the better.

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